Intentional Programming - It's not dead yet...

I was going through Martin Fowler's article on Language oriented programming, which mentions that Intentional programming is still in the works (operating under the radar, Intentional Software is developing it). Couple of years ago I came across IP in one of the courses I took (my fav, CS6201 Software Reuse) and liked very much what I saw. Generally, I'm curious about anything that promises productivity benefits. IP indeed promises a lot of that. The man behind IP is Charles Simonyi, the same guy who invented the Hungarian notation. After watching the their website for a while, I got the impression that IP is a lost cause. But apparently not. And that's good news indeed. It seems JetBrains (Intellij folks) is also cooking up something similar called MPS, and so is Microsoft (called Software Factories). If you have any interests in Domain Specfic Languages, Generative Programming
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